
Essay 1-02b:University life

We found someone what exchange student need to spend at KGU. Exchange student‘s   usually life and ours is very difference. So I will give 2 what exchange student to spend here. It is cafeteria in the library and soft chair in all of classroom in KGU. I will explain these here.

The first, we thought that they seem want cafeteria in the library. In America, there are cafeterias in the library, so they can study something by drinking or eating. But we can’t bring these in there. I think to study in the library need to relax. So we guessed when we study to drink or eat make your brain relax. Or to take some food may promote brains work. 

Since I was an elementary school student, we can’t bring these in the library. If it is Japanese student, it is not commonly to bring some food to eat or drink. But for exchange student, to bring these to the library and study there is extremely commonly. In here, it will be worried about to spill the scraps of food but we are University student so we learn these. There is nothing what exchange student can do it, and we can’t do it. So, we thought they need cafeteria I the library.

Second, we thought they need soft chair in all of classroom in KGU to spend here. In this school, there are not soft chair all of classroom. There are only computer room and LL classroom. In KGU, there is only building1 and building11 and building14.  Building12 what most student use, there are not computer room, so there are no soft chairs. We take lesson 90 minutes for one lesson. And we take lessons some hours in a day. We always take lessons as sitting the chair. If that chair was soft, how make it easy for every lesson. Maybe is it commonly, but there may be some student who have lower back pain. If I ware that student, I want soft chair all of classroom. It is maybe troublesome and it cost us much money, but we thought it is important.

In here, we suggested someone what exchange student need, but in KGU, there are more useful something. I will introduce about it. The first, there is a more high buildings, and there are many classrooms. We usually use these classrooms. And 11 buildings, there are many computer rooms. We can this computer in free time. At the free time, we can finish our home works.

In KGU, there are more good points And there is useful for exchange student and  visiting faculty from overseas. If we were a exchange student, I will glad this. I want  you to come to KGU. In other, there are more, and we want to report it. I want to tell about KGU more. So, please come here and know about KGU.

And we tell about for exchange student, but there are more things for Visiting faculty from overseas. I KGU, there are some staff room only Visiting faculty from overseas. And you can communicate and enjoy with Japanese student at English Lounge, at classroom,and library, and so on. We usually hit on for exchange student, but there are not only them. There are good points for Visiting faculty from overseas. We usually comunicate to you just only class, but we want to communicate them at another time. So, we'll try to talk you and them, let's speak a lot.


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