
Essay 1-02c:University life

We are going to introduce about my college for exchange students. we go to KGU. KGU stands near the downtown. KGU is good college because there are a lot of good places. For example, library, English Lounge, a bakery, student’s dining hall and so on. We think that KGU is the most wonderful place to study. From now we introduce about good point of KGU.

The first, we thought that they seem want cafeteria in the library. In U.S., there are cafeterias in the library, so they can study something by drinking or eating. But we can’t bring these in there. I think to study in the library need to relax. So we guessed when we study to drink or eat make your brain relax. Or to take some food may promote brains work. If it is Japanese student, it is not commonly to bring some food to eat or drink. But for exchange student, to bring these to the library and study there is extremely commonly. In here, it will be worried about to spill the scraps of food but we are University student so we learn these.

   Second, we thought they need soft chair in all of classroom in KGU to spend here. In this school, there are not soft chair all of classroom. There are only computer room and LL classroom. In KGU, there is only building 1 and building 11 and building 14. Building 12 what most student use, there are not computer room, so there are no soft chairs. We take lesson 90 minutes for one lesson. And we take lessons some hours in a day. We always take lessons as sitting the chair. If that chair was soft, how make it easy for every lesson. Maybe is it commonly, but there may be some student who have lower back pain. If I ware that student, I want soft chair all of classroom. It is maybe troublesome and it cost us much money, but we thought it is important.

  Third, we recommend to going student’s dining hall for exchange students. There are a lot of students of KGU. If they went there, they could talk with a lot of students. It is a chance to get some Japanese friends. If you wanted to speak Japanese well, you would skill up by speak Japanese in there. Speaking with Japanese is good way to skill up your Japanese skill. Sometimes, there are some mothers and children. They are very cute. If you liked child, you could do communication with a lot of children. There are a lot of people who wants to speak with you. For a lot of students, we think that exchange student should go dining hall.

If you went to student’s dining hall, you could eat some cheap lunches. There are a lot of cheap lunches, for example, curry, hash and rice, thick white noodles, a bowl of rice and so on. These are very cheap more than a convenience store’s goods. I like cutlet on the curry is the best. It is very delicious. If you go to student’s dining hall, I want you to eat it with your Japanese friends.

We think that exchange students need to know about library. KGU’s library is very big. There are a lot of books, newspapers, magazines, CDs, DVDs, technical books and so on. Further, many computers established in there. If you wanted to do assignment, you could there. If you had a free time, you could watch many movies with your friends. Before the finals, a lot of students study in there because library is good place to study. If you had a thing to study, you should go library. You can get answer.

  We are going to  talk about English Lounge. English Lounge is good place to improve our English skill. But exchange students can make progress their Japanese skill too. There are some students of KGU and exchange students. They enjoy taking communication each other. If you want to improve your Japanese ability, I recommend to going there. Japanese students will teach you a lot of Japanese.

  And we tell about for exchange student, but there are more things for visiting faculty from overseas. In KGU, there are some staff room only Visiting faculty from overseas. And you can communicate and enjoy with Japanese student at English Lounge, at classroom,and library, and so on. We usually hit on for exchange student, but there are not only them. There are good points for Visiting faculty from overseas.    We usually communicate to you just only class, but we want to communicate them at another time. So, we'll try to  talk you and them, let's speak a lot.

  In KGU, there are more good points, and there is useful for exchange student and  visiting faculty from overseas. If we were a exchange student, I will glad this. There are ore difference points from Japaese University and other countrys University. There are good points in other University like there are no in KGU, but there are good points in KGU,too like there are not in other University. We approach about just only some points. Maybe there are more good points what we don’t know. It will fun to find good points in KGU. Please enjoy your KGU life!!!!


I co-authored this essay with Haruka I . We used content from our previous, individual essay posts (1-02a-b).

Individual essay posts (1-02a-b)

Haruka I's revised essay (1-02-b) (2012.05.23)
Nami M's revised essay (1-02-b)(2012.05.23)
Here are links to each of our co-authored essays:

Joint essay posts (1-02c)

Haruka I's joint essay (1-02-c) (2012.06.22)
Nami M's joint essay (1-02-c) (2012.06.22)

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