
My favorite Season

My favorite season is Spring. I don't have favorite season especially, but I like spring the best in all seasons. I think Spring is season of start. Schools start in April in spring, and most of carenders start in April in Spring. And Spring is so warm. I don't like cold, so I don't like Winter. In Spring, the cold start to finish, and the warm will start. In addition, I like spring clothes. Spring clothes have so cute desighn and it makes me smile. Most of spring clothes can wear from winter to summer, so these are so useful. But I like summer, too. Because there are many event in summer. Just like Fire works fetival, summer festival, open-air concert, and some club event. In summer, I can eat something especially cold like shaved ice, ice cream, and so on. I like these. But summer is very hot. I don't like summer so. Spring is easy for me to spend. I like spring.


My favorite Sports

My favorite sports is Kyudo. When I was a junior high school student and high school student, I belonged Kyudo club. When I was a elementary school student, I was belonged Mini Basket ball club in my school. The first, I liked it, but my coach was so fearful man, so I decided I would join Kyudo club if I enterd the junior high school. I have some reason to decide to join a Kyudo club. The first is I thought Kyudo is easy and not hard sports. Because Kyudo was so hard sports. I didn't think so. The bow was so long and heavy. It was hard for me to practice. And second, my Junoir high school's Kyudo club was so strong and OB or OG marked good records. So I thought I will be able to join Tournament in Japan. But it was so hard for us, and I couldn't join he big tournament. Now, I stoped to practice it, but I wanna begin Kyudo again.


BR 2-02: The Emperor's New Clothes

As for the crows - they were enjoying the best procession ever, Boris, of course, wasn't having such a good day... (p.47)

When I was a young, My kinder garden's teacher alwways read this book, and tell us this story. In this book, there are many people. For example, main is Emperor. This emperor loves clothes, and whereever he wears cloythes something new. At last, he found something scheltong clothes.

I like clothes, but I don't have much money, so I can't buy much clothes. I like not only buy clothes but also just watching. When I don't have some mony, I go to shopping moll. and just watching. Only just watching, but it is fun for me. If I have much mony, I want to buy all clpyhes around the shop. Just like POU DOU DOU, and COACH, and SHIPS, and BEAMs. I like these bland. Especially, I like BEAMS very much. Every time that when I go to Fukuoka, I go to BEAMS and buy something. It is sometimes accesarrys, clothes, or shoes. Fukuoka's BEAMS is so large shop, and if I compare with Kumamoto's one, Kumamoto's one is so small, I think. Recentry, the seasons will be changing, so I want to buy winter clothes. If I got some money, I will go to Fukuoka, and clothes at BEAMS.

Finally, in this story, the Emperor doesn't wear anything. He was tricked. I don't be like him.

Hans Christian Andersen : The Emperor's new clothes (2007)
London, Usborn



My favorite time

My favorite time is during 12:00 am ~ 2:00 am in midnight. In that time, I always listen to music, and do my home work, and drink a cup of caffee. I listen hip hop, j-pop, k-pop, western music, and classic. I like to listen around kind of music. I have some friend who play DJ in club at night. I was influenced by them, and I started to listen classic and music what was mixed by them. In case of week day, it is like that. But in weekend, I sometime go to down town with my friend and go to night club. I often go to there at Sunday, so it is hard for me to go to school 1st period on Monday. But I can not going to go there. When I visit there, it was a 5 month before. After I started to go there, I fit the music and my friends made a original mix CD and gave to me. I was so glad!
This is my mavorite time. Main was about club music :p


My favorite

I like listening to music. My favrite singer, or groupe is AAA. They are 5 boys and 2 girls, and they are super paformance groupe in Japan. AAA means Atack All Around, so tyey do everything not  only singing but also play some rol in dramas. When I was a junior high school student, I knew them and my heart was moved. They have many good songs. In these, there is my favorite song. It is "MUSIC!!!". This song was voted by their fans, and bacome 1st. It was not only me who think yhis song is the best. This song was released at August, 2009. In addition, this song make us happy and smile. Msybe everyone will wants to sing this song together. But recently, I am interested in American music. Foe exaple, I like One Direction, Nicki Minaj, and so on. At Gakusho festibal, my economics reserch club made a PV of "Where them girls" song by Davide Guetter, Nicki Minaj and Flo Rider. It was so hard for us, but that works was moved our club member's heart.



My favorite book

My favorite is reading books. I usually buy books 3 times a month. This month, I bought 5 books yet. I like mystery, SF, love story and so on. Best of this genre is Love story, I think. My favorite works what I had read is 700-day war of me and Mr. residence. When I was a junior high school student, I met this book. When I read this book in the first time, I couldn’t help laughing so much. There are many stories with some high school student and police officer. These stories seemed it is non-fiction. The first, I couldn’t believe that telling, but it was true. Most of these stories made me glad and happy and smile. And now, it was released as a disc of movie. I want you to watch this movie.


My favorite apple

My favorite thing is apple. Because I like that's taste, it is so sweet for me. I like apple juice, apple pie, apple ice creams, apple bread, so much! When I was a 2nd high school student, my friends gave me many things about apple. There were apple pies, apple candy, just apple, hair accesary about apple, apple album, and so on. I was so glad because everyone remembered about I like apple and being celebrated my birthday! To tell the truth, When I was a young, I don't like apple so. But now, I can't help eating something about apple once a week.
Long time after, I will like apple so much!


My high achool memory

 My high school memory is sports festival. My school's this event is so wounderful. Every year, many garary come to our school, and watch the aid buttle!!! My school's cherring party is so famouse,and every year, it was broadcasted by not only in the Kumamoto prefacture, but also whole country. When I was a high school student, I didn't like this event, because reder of cherring party was so afraid for me, and everyone was always angry. I didn't like to see these face. But I noticed that reders were not always angry, when sports festival was finished. And there, we could feel them thinking. After that, I liked this event so much. This is my high school memory.


BR 2-01: Tutankhamun

An enormous coffin lay before them, with a beauutiful caeved face covered in shimmering, glittering gold. (p.51)

Do you know Tutankhamun? Tutankhamen was king of Edipt before, but now, he is sleeping under the ground.I know everything abot Tutankhamen better than everyone. Because when I was a elementary school student, I was interested in history of Ezipt, and Tutankhamen. I didn't remember what why I was interested in these, but there, I could know and learn many things about Tutankhamen. I will write down about many things what I know.

・Tutankhamen was girl.
・Tutankhamen was 14 years old.
・Tutankhamen was king or quween in Ezipt.
・Tutankhamen was killed by hunter

These are things what I know when I was a elementary school student. To tell the truth, These will not true, but in many books, there are many things. So, we can't beliebe what is true. But, everyone can believe only a thing. It was a truth what Tutankhamun was living. It is regend.

Gill Harvey, Tutankhamun
London : Usborne



Essay 2-01a: How and how well I have learn language

Yellow book: Clubs and sports

My parner is koichiro. He is in a car club now. He is a general manager in this club. There are 9 people in this club. Boys are 7, and girls are 2. It is very interesting club.
 In high school, He was not in a club. He didn't want to play sports those days. He knows kyudo, judo, kendo, and Karate as a japanese traditional sports. He have never played Karate and Judo at a class of P.E. When he was a junior high school student, he knows sumo, too. But he have never played it. Ih fe could belong to another club, he wants to belong to lacross club. He thinks that he wants to meka sports club.



MInessota life: My host family

I went to Munnesota in America while Jul. 22 ~ Aug. 20 during my summer vacation. Before I went to there, I was exciting and nervous. But my host mother Beckey said to me " You doon't have to feel nervous. We are exciting and waiting you. I wanna meet you! " After I got this mail, I become feel happy. The previous day when I leave Japan, I had taken the long time to pack my load.

The day I leave Japan, I left my house at 6:00 am, and I arrived Kumamoto airport at 8:00. Before I left the airport, I was so exciting!

The first, I went to Tokyo to connect to Minnesota, and we took 2 hours. And after that, I went to Minnesota over 11 hours. In airplane, it was so terrible, and boring. I had so long free time, so I was wathing movies lasted 2 works. So my eyes become tired :-( I don't like in-flight meal. so I didn't eat it. I was so hungry during flight to Minnesota.

When I arrived the Minneaporis airport, I didn't have feeling that I am in America. But after we come out the entrance in the airport, so many host families were waiting, and finding their exchange student. They had colourful boad, and hunged up it. And we exporsed the frashes of camera. There were just like press conference. I think I should been taken this situation. I fagot to take tha photo. If there are people who take the photo this time, please give me this photo. :-9

My host family has 5 people. Host father Eddy, host mother Beckey, host brother Will, Wyatt, and Ben. My host brother is age continnue. They are 7 years old, 6 years old, and 5 years old. Eddy is working at conpany in Minneapolis, Beckey teaches Zummba, dance, easy movement to her student.
Once, I went to her class, and did summba. I did it the first time. Zummba is most popular excisze in America recentry. So from I was in Japan, I wanted to it and I was exciting to do it. It was so hard, but no difficukt. But I had many sweat.  Will was so wise, and goot at to do sports.

And this is my host family's information.
