
My favorite time

My favorite time is during 12:00 am ~ 2:00 am in midnight. In that time, I always listen to music, and do my home work, and drink a cup of caffee. I listen hip hop, j-pop, k-pop, western music, and classic. I like to listen around kind of music. I have some friend who play DJ in club at night. I was influenced by them, and I started to listen classic and music what was mixed by them. In case of week day, it is like that. But in weekend, I sometime go to down town with my friend and go to night club. I often go to there at Sunday, so it is hard for me to go to school 1st period on Monday. But I can not going to go there. When I visit there, it was a 5 month before. After I started to go there, I fit the music and my friends made a original mix CD and gave to me. I was so glad!
This is my mavorite time. Main was about club music :p

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