
My favorite

I like listening to music. My favrite singer, or groupe is AAA. They are 5 boys and 2 girls, and they are super paformance groupe in Japan. AAA means Atack All Around, so tyey do everything not  only singing but also play some rol in dramas. When I was a junior high school student, I knew them and my heart was moved. They have many good songs. In these, there is my favorite song. It is "MUSIC!!!". This song was voted by their fans, and bacome 1st. It was not only me who think yhis song is the best. This song was released at August, 2009. In addition, this song make us happy and smile. Msybe everyone will wants to sing this song together. But recently, I am interested in American music. Foe exaple, I like One Direction, Nicki Minaj, and so on. At Gakusho festibal, my economics reserch club made a PV of "Where them girls" song by Davide Guetter, Nicki Minaj and Flo Rider. It was so hard for us, but that works was moved our club member's heart.


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