
MInessota life: My host family

I went to Munnesota in America while Jul. 22 ~ Aug. 20 during my summer vacation. Before I went to there, I was exciting and nervous. But my host mother Beckey said to me " You doon't have to feel nervous. We are exciting and waiting you. I wanna meet you! " After I got this mail, I become feel happy. The previous day when I leave Japan, I had taken the long time to pack my load.

The day I leave Japan, I left my house at 6:00 am, and I arrived Kumamoto airport at 8:00. Before I left the airport, I was so exciting!

The first, I went to Tokyo to connect to Minnesota, and we took 2 hours. And after that, I went to Minnesota over 11 hours. In airplane, it was so terrible, and boring. I had so long free time, so I was wathing movies lasted 2 works. So my eyes become tired :-( I don't like in-flight meal. so I didn't eat it. I was so hungry during flight to Minnesota.

When I arrived the Minneaporis airport, I didn't have feeling that I am in America. But after we come out the entrance in the airport, so many host families were waiting, and finding their exchange student. They had colourful boad, and hunged up it. And we exporsed the frashes of camera. There were just like press conference. I think I should been taken this situation. I fagot to take tha photo. If there are people who take the photo this time, please give me this photo. :-9

My host family has 5 people. Host father Eddy, host mother Beckey, host brother Will, Wyatt, and Ben. My host brother is age continnue. They are 7 years old, 6 years old, and 5 years old. Eddy is working at conpany in Minneapolis, Beckey teaches Zummba, dance, easy movement to her student.
Once, I went to her class, and did summba. I did it the first time. Zummba is most popular excisze in America recentry. So from I was in Japan, I wanted to it and I was exciting to do it. It was so hard, but no difficukt. But I had many sweat.  Will was so wise, and goot at to do sports.

And this is my host family's information.


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