
BR 2-02: The Emperor's New Clothes

As for the crows - they were enjoying the best procession ever, Boris, of course, wasn't having such a good day... (p.47)

When I was a young, My kinder garden's teacher alwways read this book, and tell us this story. In this book, there are many people. For example, main is Emperor. This emperor loves clothes, and whereever he wears cloythes something new. At last, he found something scheltong clothes.

I like clothes, but I don't have much money, so I can't buy much clothes. I like not only buy clothes but also just watching. When I don't have some mony, I go to shopping moll. and just watching. Only just watching, but it is fun for me. If I have much mony, I want to buy all clpyhes around the shop. Just like POU DOU DOU, and COACH, and SHIPS, and BEAMs. I like these bland. Especially, I like BEAMS very much. Every time that when I go to Fukuoka, I go to BEAMS and buy something. It is sometimes accesarrys, clothes, or shoes. Fukuoka's BEAMS is so large shop, and if I compare with Kumamoto's one, Kumamoto's one is so small, I think. Recentry, the seasons will be changing, so I want to buy winter clothes. If I got some money, I will go to Fukuoka, and clothes at BEAMS.

Finally, in this story, the Emperor doesn't wear anything. He was tricked. I don't be like him.

Hans Christian Andersen : The Emperor's new clothes (2007)
London, Usborn


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