
essay 2-02b: My favorite place

              Hello, everyone. How are you? Today, I will explain about my favorite place. Do you have a favorite place? Where there is? How place is these? I have many favorite places in some places. In these, I like Maruzen the best. So today, I will write about my favorite place, Maruzen, and I will introduce good place about Maruzen.


              Have you ever been and bought something in Maruzen? Maruzen is also book store. But in there, there are many things. For example, there are not only books but also many kinds of magazines, many kinds of snacks, and many kinds of stationary. Maruzen is in 1st floor in building 12 at KGU. In Maruzen, there are some shop staff, so they were apron of blue, and there, it was printed the logos of Maruzen. In Maruzen, we can get some goods at 7% discount. But snacks are 3% discount. These services are good for student, and teachers. Not only student but also teacher and some other people can use this Maruzen.


And there, sometimes some campaigns were held. These are just like a campaign of Christmas, New Year, and Halloween. And Hokkaido campaign, too. Now, Hokkaido campaigns were held at corner of shop. Like these, by some season, some events were held. I like Okinawa events the best.


In Maruzen, many books from many books company were sold, and I also buy some books in there. Maruzen have not only books but also magazines. I have ever heard that there are 12000 books in Maruzen, and these are sailing. When I am in the train, I often have a free time. And then, I always read a book. At Maruzen, I usually buy the book to kill a time. Recently, I bought a book the title of Flowers for Algernon. This book was my friend’s favorite book, and shop staff wanted me to read this book. When I bought this book in Maruzen, I could get this book at 7% discount. This service is so kind for students who don’t have much money. I like TSUTAYA, but there will not discount whichever books. So I want some books, I will go to Maruzen and buy these.


 Next, Maruzen have many stationary. There are many stationary just like pen, note book, color paper, computer goods and so on. When the student needs some color papers to use in the class, we can get these at Maruzen. When the student fagot to bring note book in school, we can get looseleaf notebook at Maruzen. Like these, everyone can get something need in Maruzen when everyone forget and need these. At Maruzen, there is everything what you want.


For student and teacher like me, Maruzen is so need. Before the exam, there are many people who copy the note. During a spring, there are many people who will buy a text book. Like there, Maruzen is kind for our life, and so useful. If there are no Maruzen in KGU, I will not read some books and student who forget to bring some need to class will increase. Maruzen makes our life best. So I like Maruzen.


My favorite place

My favorite place is Maruzen in KGU. Because in Maruzen, there are many snacks, books, magazines, and stationary. When I have a free time, I often go to there, and kill the free time. I have free time at 2nd period on Monday, 2nd period on Wednesday, and 3rd period on Thursday. So in this time, I am often in Maruzen, and reading a book. Recently, I bought two books, but I don’t have a free time, so I have never started to read. Also, I go to bakery after I bought some books. And I read book in there during a drinking a cup of coffee, or juice. I like a situation in bakery, so it is good for me to read a book there. And in Maruzen, there are many stationary, so sometimes I buy some stationary like notes, pens, some papers, and so on. When I need something at class, I can get these at Maruzen. I think Maruzen is so useful, so My favorite place is Maruzen.

Travel and transportation

My pertner is Manami. She likes traveling very much. Because her dream is to make a tour of Japan, and to eat someting famous food. The far these places she have been in Tokyo. She went there seven yers ago as sightseeing. The best plece where she had been is Kyoto in Japan. Some temples and shrines were so beautiful. She went to there three years ago as a school trip. She has never been to foreign country. She want to go to Hawaii in America. So, she doesn't have a passport now. When she travel she has never been stopped at the embarkation gate. When she marry, she wants to go to Europe as honeymoon, and she wants to hold a wedding ceremony in Hawaii. At last, she has never been to Thailand, so she said that I want to go to Thailand. I want she to go to Thailand. Because there is so good place.


Prt time job

 My pertner isHinako. She doesn't have a part time job now. She had had a part time job before. She had worked at wedding hole. She doesn't know payment by the hour then. But she got fifteen thousand yen for three days. She didn't like the part time job so she resihgned. Because that part time job was so tired and busy. She likes a survis industry. Because she likes to speak with people who she doesn't know. If the hourly wage was 650 yen,she wouldn't do this work. If she work as a aprt time job, she wants to work at coffee shop like sturbacks for cafe. She thinks part time job at starbacks is so cool and good. She really want to work there.



BR 2-06: Cleopatra

This Egyptian port of Alexandria was a long way from Greece, the land of her ancestors, but it was the only home Cleopatra knew. (p.5)

Do you know Cleopatra? She was a princess in Egypt at so long time ago. And I think, she  was well known as a one of a woman who is the 3 biggest beautiful woman in the world. The 3 biggest beautiful woman is most famouse and beutiful people from nowadays. Other than Cleopatra, there are Yang Kuei Fei in China, and Onno Komachi inJapan. Cleopatra was said that she always beautiful and looks young. Maybe everyone can't beleave that, but it is a famous story in all over the world.

 When I was a elementary school and junior high school student, I was interested in a Egypt and Pyramid in there, so I read many books. And there, not only something pyramid but also Cleopatra. When I was, I didn't know why this woman is famouse like that. But now, I can understand this woman is how wounderful and good. If I was a Cleopatra, I want to make most of man fall in love to me. I want to be Cleopatra.

Katie Daynes ; illustrated by Serena Riglietti
London : Usborne, 2004


BR 2-05: Story of Princes and Princesses

If you don't want to get marry a prince, you'll marry the first man who comes to the castle. (p.14)

In this book, there are 4 chapters. I like 1st and 2nd story. And this storym there are many people.First is king of kingdam and next is princess, and last is prince. Most of princces in this book have many probrem, so first, every princesses will not marry. But something what happenn changed thinking of princesses.

 If I was a princessof some kingdam, I will marry prince of some kingdam. In my thinking, most of prince is cool and nice guy. most of prince who I think is just like prince of Disny movie. I like prince of Snow White. The prince is so cool and he has a good face. And inthat story, the prince kiissed to princess. When I watch that sean, I thought, I tought I want to be kissed from prince. But Being kissed from the man who is cool and nice guy is dream on every girls. If I was a snow prince, I will get up early.

 If you read this book, you will be happy and your heart will be hot. I became so, so I want to you to feel happy as reading this book. I think reading a book is good for your heart makes happy. I really want you to read this book.

Christopher Rawson ; adapted by Lesley Sims ; illustrated by Stephen Cartwright
London : Usborne, 2003



Essay 2-02a:My favorite places

In Kumamoto, I have many favorite places. For example, these are some places in my home, some places in downtown, and some places in school. In many my favorite places, I will write about my favorite place Maruzen in my school.

 There is a Maruzen in first floor in building 11 in KGU. And many things were sold in there. For example, these are some snacks, some books, and some stationery. Maruzen always open at 10:00 am, and close at 5:00 pm. I like atmosphere in there, so I usually go there if I don’t have some classes. On Tuesday and Friday, I don’t have a first period class, but I always go to school before time when I get a start for 2nd period. So I go to Maruzen, and stay there. Sometimes, I arrive there before Maruzen opens. In that case, I wait outside until the Maruzen opens.

 In Maruzen, there are many goods, so recently, I often buy books there. In Maruzen, we can buy and get some books at a 7% discount. It is not only KGU’s student and teacher but also every people who come there. If some book’s list price is 500 yen, we can get it as a 465 yen. It is service and this service makes some student help. Maybe I think most of student likes this service. And this service is not only books, but also magazines and stationary and snacks. But snacks are at a 3% discount. Most of snacks are basically cheap, so at a 3% discount is so satisfaction. My favorite snack what is selling at Maruzen is dagashi. Dagasi is Japanese traditional snack. Dagashi is so cheap and taste goods, and healthy. I like dried cuttlefish the best. I like it very much, but if I bring it in class room and eat, my friends always say “it is bad smell!! Stop eating!” So I can’t bring it in class room. I want my friends to eat it so everyone can find it is taste good. I wanted to eat it when I wrote this sentence.

 And there are many books in Maruzen. Recently, I often read some books what bought at Maruzen. In last month, I bought 6 books in Maruzen, and I became having no money. The title of books I bought recently is To Algernon a bouquet. I bought it 2 weeks before, but because of school festival, I have never finished to read it. I want to read it fast.

 Like that, there are many good points in Maruzen, so here is my favorite place in my school. I will recommend you to go to bakery after you bought some book, and read at there. It’s my favorite place, Maruzen.

Animal and pets

My partner is Yuki. He likes piscine and dog and owl and the reptiles animal very much. If he were an animal, he would be crocodile because it looks so strong. He doesn't have some pats. But he want to have an owl asa pet in his house. He wants to have piscine, too. he doesn't often go to the zoo. But he likes zoo since he was a child. He doesn't have animal allergies. He has been to will animal park in Kumamoto and Oita. he has never meet "Pankun and James". He thinks they are cute. If he were a cat, he wants to run over around.



BR 2-03:Alice in Wonderland

At this, the whole pack rose into the air and came flying down upon her. (p.66)

This story is a famous story for everyone. And this story was wellnown by people of aroound the world. This story's heroin is Alice who was reading a book with her sister, and she got sleep. After that, she treasures some places, but these were something what happen in her dream. Alice is in a world what called dream. I liked this story and my favorite charactor is fairies in kingdam of tramp. And my favorite sean is something what Alice bacome big and big. In this sean, I have a special impression. I remember the most of sean, but this sean is special. If I was a Alice, I want to appear in this sean, and I want to become big like Alice.

 When I was a kinder garden child, I watched this story's anime movie. It was rereacd as the Disny animetion. And this animation became famous work. This story's japanese name is "不思議の国のアリス". When I was a child, I liked this story and I tried to watch this story when I had a time when I hd a free time. In kinder garden, we had a time still everyone's mother come and get them children. My mother is always late to get me, and I have a much time to wait my mother them. So that time's member was always same. In these member, we always fighted as what movie should we watch. We usually did rock seasers papers. And we diced this way. But we usually waatch this movie, so everyone liked this movie and populer.

 So I will write about if I was a Alice. If I was a Alice, I will pursue rabit, and go to the world in dream. And there, I will found cake, but I will not eat it. In story, Alice ate this cake and became big and big. I want to bacame big and watch around me, but I won't eat it. And I woke up. It'a all in this my story. It will not fun but I am a part of safety. So the result of read this story, I thoght I don't want to be a Alice.

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland (2006)
London : Usborne


My favorite places

My favorite places
  • My house
    • Bath room
    • Rest room
    • My room
      • Desk
      • Bed
  • School
    • Club room
    • Maruzen
      • Books
        • Magazine
        • Pocketbook
      • Stationery
      • Snacks
    • Library
    • The Building 3
  • Down town
    • Club
      • NAVARO
        • Dopeness Sunday
      • 2110
      • BOOT
    • Cafe
      • feal. cafe
      • J cafe
      • Star Bucks Coffee in New-S☆
    • Bookstore
      • TSUTAYA
      • Nagasakisyoten


My favorite drink

My favorite drink is coffee. Recently, I often drink it. Still a little bit before, I liked apple juice, and café au late. When I was a high school student, I usually drink apple juice while a lunch time, and I usually drink café au late after the P.E. class, or after the sports practice. But now, I usually drink many kinds of coffee. I like normal the best. But normal is not black coffee. I usually put in sugar and milk in it. And I drink it like café au late. I often drink it after breakfast, after come to home, and during the home works like now. So I like to go to café. My senior works café, and if I visited to his house, I usually drink a cup of coffee. It is so good. Because of his coffee, I became to like coffee. I wanted to visit the manu coffee in Fukuoka someday.


My favorite subject

My favorite subject is English. When I was an elementary school student, I was interested in English. When I was a 2nd grader in junior high school, I joined the Recitation and Speech Contest in the first time. In that time. In that year, I joined Recitation part, and our grade got the first prize. I was so happy, and I tried to study English more. And next year, I joined Speech part. And there, I talked to everyone about my father. In that time, My father was in Thailand, so I wanted everyone to know about my father. After that, I entered high school, and I studied English hard. I joined speech contest when I was a high school student, too. And there were Eriko who is my friend now. In that time, we didn’t know each other. And there were many people who can speak English and tell opinions what myself. So, I thought I have to study English more and more. So now, I entered Foreign language department, and studying now. I wanted to study more.
