
My favorite drink

My favorite drink is coffee. Recently, I often drink it. Still a little bit before, I liked apple juice, and café au late. When I was a high school student, I usually drink apple juice while a lunch time, and I usually drink café au late after the P.E. class, or after the sports practice. But now, I usually drink many kinds of coffee. I like normal the best. But normal is not black coffee. I usually put in sugar and milk in it. And I drink it like café au late. I often drink it after breakfast, after come to home, and during the home works like now. So I like to go to café. My senior works café, and if I visited to his house, I usually drink a cup of coffee. It is so good. Because of his coffee, I became to like coffee. I wanted to visit the manu coffee in Fukuoka someday.


2 件のコメント:

  1. I like coffee too!
    Please come on Sanmaruku cafe!!!

  2. I like coffee.
    But I like milk tea better than coffee.
