
BR 2-03:Alice in Wonderland

At this, the whole pack rose into the air and came flying down upon her. (p.66)

This story is a famous story for everyone. And this story was wellnown by people of aroound the world. This story's heroin is Alice who was reading a book with her sister, and she got sleep. After that, she treasures some places, but these were something what happen in her dream. Alice is in a world what called dream. I liked this story and my favorite charactor is fairies in kingdam of tramp. And my favorite sean is something what Alice bacome big and big. In this sean, I have a special impression. I remember the most of sean, but this sean is special. If I was a Alice, I want to appear in this sean, and I want to become big like Alice.

 When I was a kinder garden child, I watched this story's anime movie. It was rereacd as the Disny animetion. And this animation became famous work. This story's japanese name is "不思議の国のアリス". When I was a child, I liked this story and I tried to watch this story when I had a time when I hd a free time. In kinder garden, we had a time still everyone's mother come and get them children. My mother is always late to get me, and I have a much time to wait my mother them. So that time's member was always same. In these member, we always fighted as what movie should we watch. We usually did rock seasers papers. And we diced this way. But we usually waatch this movie, so everyone liked this movie and populer.

 So I will write about if I was a Alice. If I was a Alice, I will pursue rabit, and go to the world in dream. And there, I will found cake, but I will not eat it. In story, Alice ate this cake and became big and big. I want to bacame big and watch around me, but I won't eat it. And I woke up. It'a all in this my story. It will not fun but I am a part of safety. So the result of read this story, I thoght I don't want to be a Alice.

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland (2006)
London : Usborne

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