
YB 10: Other Class

My partner was Ayaka. She had 16 classes. Most difficult class what she thinks is French class. we have to choose one language another of mother kanguage when we enter this faculty. And then, she choise this language.French grammer and pronounciaion is so difficult for her. Easiest class what she thinks is P.E. She choose recration in other an item. Most interesting class is reading. This class can make her reading ability strong. Most boring class what she thinks is political science. It makes her very boring and sleepy. Her second language ckass is French. French is more difficult and makes her sleepy. There are many homeworks to do in her French class. But she has never absent this speaking class, because she likes this class. And, my second partner Mari likes grammar class. But she didn't like her listening class.

[141 words]

YB 9: Television and Movies

My partner was Eriko. She watched " If a girl who a manager in high school's baseball team reads the Management written by Drucker" at last time. She likes science fiction, action, lovestory, and most of kinds of it. She usually watches all junle. Her favorite movie is "The Shawshank Redemption". This movie's story is a hero try to break out from prison. She watch this movie once a month. Her favorite movie star is Sadao Abe. His acting is very interesting and evwryone who watch his acting what he appear can feel his ability and possibility. She likes  TV program, too. Her favorite TV program is " Ame Talk". This is comedian TV, and this TV program is so interesting for her. She likes music TV, too. She wants to appear music TV someday. If  can appear the TV program, I want to appear love story as a heroin. Maybe every woman think so, too. And last, she wants to make some movie someday.

[167 words]

YB 8: Home and Family

My partner was Mari. She have two brothers and a sister. She is living alone in Kumamoto. Her hometown is Arita in Saga. Arita is famous for China. There are he family without her gand father. Her father is as tall as she, and er mother is fatter than her. Her father is an office worker in Saga. Her mother is a house wife. Her brother is playing basketball. She is remembering when she was a child. And her family took her for around places. She has a album what only her pictures. Her father loves her mother very much. And her mather her father, too. She loves her family very much. She wants to go home during summer vacation. And in the future, she wants to make a good home.
[131 word]


BR 2-12: Survival Adventure

"It's a good idea to smash the trap," said Little Fox, "but we shouldn't make all this noise. (p.16)

The first, I will tell you the outline of this book.
Camping in the garden is fun. But can the children survive the dangers of camping in the wild?

In this book, Biff and Wiff advent the forest,or jungle. The girl Biff lost her way, and she met a girl who lives in there. And same time, Will lost his way, too. So he met a boy who kives in there. The girl and the boy were friend. and thet met each other. I have never advent anywhere, so I don't know how thing will we do? So in this book, I could know how should I do. If we hear the word of "adventure", we usually imagine that we prepare the something what we need, and go. and then, we appear the some meet, and some problem. After I read this book, I thought I want to go to advent someday. I can not go there alone, so I want to go with my friend, or family.

Roderick Hunt, Alex Brychta
[Oxford] : Oxford University Press, 2003]


BR 2-11: Key Trouble

At that moment all Kipper's colour came back. (p.31)

The first, I will tell you outline of this story.

Kipper has a amagic adventure that he doesn't like, and he learns that it is not a good idea to get cross with the magic key.
When I read this story, I thought this book is so funny, and fantasy. It is fiction, but we usually watch film or drama like this book. He lost his colour because of the magic key, but he came back his colour. In this book, key is hinto. If I were he, I will give up to get back my colour. It will not become true, but I want to be careful. It was so funny book to me, so I want you to read this book.

Roderick Hunt, Alex Brychta
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003

[136 words]


Essay 2-03b: Joint Movie Review

The member of our group is Nami and Ai. They will write this essay together. They are going to write about Johnny Depp. They chose him, because he is a very famous actor all of the world, so most people know him. He appears in a lot of movies and he won a lot of prizes. For example, Golden Globe Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards and so on. He plays an active part in not only movies as an actor but also TV as a voice actor. Then, they chose two movies, “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Charlie and the chocolate Factory”. These are famous and interesting movies! After this, they will write about these movies’ story, his roll and his acting.

First, we will tell you about “Pirates of the Caribbean –World End-”. Nami watched this movie. This movie was directed by Gore Verbinski in 2007. This movie is most famous work what he is playing the leading part. This movie is series work. Now, there are 4 works in this series, and this movie is 3rd movie in this series. This story was imaged for the pirates on Caribbean. First is The Curse of the Black Pearl, 2nd is Dead Man's Chest, and last is On Stranger Tides. All of these movies were directed by factory of Jerry Bruckheimer Film. In this film factory, not only Pirates of the Caribbean series but also another famous films just like Armageddon, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, and 'Pearl Harbor. And this movie, there are a lot of something special. For example most of performers have some strange appearance, and strange make. The main part Johnny wears tattered and dirty clothes, and has a long hair. And his face is so hard and distinctly. It is thanks of special make. Not only he but also other performers have another special make. And in this movie have a special scene. There is the scene that only one piles a bean to the platter in the scene where Jack watches a hallucination and is going to eat with a fork and a knife, but an animated cartoon of Disney is it in the scene where is similar in "Jack And The Beanstalk of Mickey". It is unknown whether that this is accidental is parody.

In addition, These works were nominated some prize for every year. The first work The Curse of the Black Pearl is nominated for Academy Award as a best Actor Award, Technology Award, Makeup Award, Sound Editing Award, Sound Award, and Visual Effect Award. But this 3rd work The World End didn’t get a just only prize. But this movie got the prize of Comedy Acting Award at MTV movie award. At another 1st and 2nd works, these got some prizes. 1st work The Curse of the Black Pearl got Actor Award, and 2nd work Dead Man's Chest got Best Picture Award and Actor Award at MTV movie award. 2nd work Dead Man's Chest got a Visual Effect Award at the Academy Award. Like these, these movies were loved from people in around the world. This works are not only unique but also great.

Next, they will tell you about “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. Ai watched the movie. The movie was directed by Tim Burton in 2005. His roll is a plant manager in chocolate factory, Willy Wonka. He always wears a tailcoat, silk hat, cane and gloves. Also, he always looks pale, so in the movie, Jonny Depp has strange special make up. It is interesting roll. Cakes that were made in his factory are popular in the world, but his factory isn’t open to public. One day, he made only five special chocolates that have gold tickets. The five children who get the tickets can observe the factory with family. Also, one in five can get surprising present! There are various children, for example, buy up all chocolates and hunt for the ticket. However, in contrast, there are children who don’t have enough money, so give up to get the ticket like a Charlie. His family was really poor, but they were leading happy life.

In the movie, there are various special set and strange characters. For example, there are river filled with chocolate in the factory, some monuments and lawn. Most of these are real that was made by patissier. Also, there are workers called the Oompa Loompa. They are very small. They guess it is used special photography method. Johnny Depp is interesting role in this movie and this movie is interesting, too. However, in the last scene, Willy Wonka could meet his father and they were reconciled. Also, Charlie got the first prize and lived happy life with his family forever. They can feel not only fun but also family love and gentleness.

Like these, He can play both serious roll and fanny roll. He is an expressive actor. He and his works were loved by a lot of people all over the world. Not only his role playing but also his character is one of the reasons what his film were watched. These 2 film’s main character should been played by him. His playing is special, so he can play like these. Thanks for he, most of people who lives in world can watch like these great and fun movies. These movies were only 2 of his works. He appears more great movies, so we want to watch his movie.


Bruckheimer, Jerry. (Producer)& Verbinski, Gore. (Director). (2007). Pirates of the Caribbean ~At  The Worlds End~. United States:.Jerry Bruckheimer Films.

Grey, Brad. (Producer)& Burton, Tim. (Director). (2005). Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. England: Village Roadshow Pictures.

[942 words]


BR: 2-10 Rescue!

The man said tyey would take Asha and Lisa home to their place. (p.31)

 I read the book of this series at the first time. In this book, there ar same caractors all of book. Tha boy's name is Biff, and the girl's name is Wiff. In this book, Biff and Wiff try to rescue the woman who is sister of Asha. Asha is a princess, and Biff and Wiff had met her before. I have never red that sean, so I want to read that sean.

And this book, Biff, Wiff, and Asha try to rescur Ahs's younger sister, and they could it. But I think to rescue someone is not easy. In tha book, these were written like this adventure to rescue is so fun, and fantastic. But it is only in the book. If it is easy, I want to do these.

Roderick Hunt, Alex Brychta (2003)
Oxford University Press



My favorite confectionary ( Typing Homework 15)

My favorite confectionery is chocolate. But in this world, there are many kinds of chocolate confectionery. How many chocolate confectioneries do you know? I know many chocolate confectioneries. For example these are almond chocolate, crunch chocolate, chocolate snack, chocolate ball, chocolate bar, and so on. I work at convenience store Seven Eleven in Tamana. At Seven Eleven always sell many kinds of chocolate confectionery in the sore. It is not only some season but also all the year. When I started to work there, I was surprise the amount of this chocolate confectionery. On Monday, we will get a new confectionery from many confectioneries factory. And then, we will get many not only chocolate but also most of confectionery on a week. I will get these new one, but these are also chocolate confectionery. I like these and these are so delicious. And then, I also feel happy, and I like chocolate more and more.

My favorite country (Typing Homework 14)

My favorite country is Japan. Because I spent in Japan the most of my life. I was born and grow in Japan, so I have a feeling something especially. I have ever been to two other overseas. These are Thailand and America. When I was a 3rd grader in junior high school spring vacation, I went to Thailand. And this summer, I went to America as overseas trying camp. Because of my father is in Thailand for work I went to there. But this travel makes me surprise, and I wanted to Japan then. I like Thailand, but then, I thought Japan is the best country. And in America is same. America was a great country, but in this trying camp, I liked Japan more and more. When I was a young day, I wasn’t interested in my country but now, I like my country Japan, and I want to be in here. But in the future, I want to go abroad, and work someday.

My favorite color (Typing Homework 13)

My favorite color is purple. When I was a young, I liked purple the best. It is because purple has image of not only cool but also cute. Purple can have some image combine with some colors. For example purple and pink is cute, purple and black is cool, purple and white is beautiful, and gorgeous. From the past day, it is been saying purple is Japanese high class color. When I was a young, I liked something cool. So most of things what I have is only purple. These are only purple, but I liked them and I wanted more purple things. Now, I like purple, too. Recently, I was bought the Japanese Kimono by my parents. I have a younger sister under my 6 I decides the design and color together. And there, I choose white and purple and my sister choose same one. It makes me surprise, but I found we have a same sense. I thought only I like purple, but my sister too. I will wear this carefully with my sister.

My favorite picture (Typing Homework 12)

My favorite picture is something beautiful and monochrome landscape. The past day, I liked to watch some picture, but I wasn’t interested in these minutely. But recently, I got a friend who likes to take a picture. He is a student of Kumamoto University, and the picture that he took makes me surprise. These are so beautiful, and so artistic. I have never seen the picture like these at real. However I have seen the some beautiful picture in TV, Internet, and Magazines, his photo absorb my heart. There is a little bit vain, but it catches everyone’s heart, and doesn’t detach. When I sew his picture the first time, I was charmed by his photos. I knew he likes to take a picture and he always take a good picture, but I didn’t think he took great picture like these. After I saw his picture, I always see his picture on facebook in the internet. I like to watch his picture.

My favorite actor and actress (typing Homework 11)

I will tell you about my favorite actor or actress in Japan. My favorite actor is Kuranosuke Sasaki. He is not young, but he has a mood that like antique. I like young actor who like same age because they are cool and nice guy. But I like old actor better than them. Recently, I noticed I like old actor better than young actor. When I was a junior high school student or high school student, I liked young them, but now, I like adult them. So Kuranosuke Sasaki is my favorite actor. And my favorite actress is Meisa Kuroki. She is a so cool woman. I remember that I thought she is so cool, but beautiful when I saw her the first time. She was from Okinawa, so she has a deep face. She also plays the role what have a dark in the past, so she has the image of cool like gang. But I like her very much!


Essay 2-03a: Joint Movie Reviews - Complate Draft

The member of our group is Nami and Ai. We will write this essay together. We are going to write about Johnny Depp. We chose him, because he is a very famous actor all of the world, so most people know him. He appears in a lot of movies and he won a lot of prizes. For example, Golden Globe Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards and so on. He plays an active part in not only movies as an actor but also TV as a voice actor. Then, we chose two movies, “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Charlie and the chocolate Factory”. These are famous and interesting movies!  After this, we will write about these movies’ story, his roll and his acting.

First, we will tell you about “Pirates of the Caribbean –World End-”. Nami watched this movie. This movie was directed by Gore Verbinski in 2007. This movie is most famous work what he is playing the leading part. This movie is seris work. Now, there are 4 works in this series, and this movie is 3rd movie in this series. This story was imaged for the pirates on Caribbean. First is The Curse of the Black Pearl, 2nd is Dead Man's Chest, and last is On Stranger Tides. And this movie, there are a lot of something special. For example most of performers have some strange appearance, and strange make. The main part Johnny wears tattered and dirty clothes, and has a long hair. And his face is so hard and distinctly. It is thanks of special make. Not only he but also other performers have another special make.

In addition, These works were nominated some prize for every year. The first work The Curse of the Black Pearl is nominated for Academy Award as a best Actor Award, Technology Award, Makeup Award, Sound Editing Award, Sound Award, and Visual Effect Award. But this 3rd work The World End didn’t get a just only prize. But this movie got the prize of Comedy Acting Award at MTV movie award. At another 1st and 2nd works, these got some prizes. 1st work The Curse of the Black Pearl got Actor Award, and 2nd work Dead Man's Chest got Best Picture Award and Actor Award at MTV movie award. 2nd work Dead Man's Chest got a Visual Effect Award at the Academy Award. Like these, these movies were loved from people in around the world. This works are not only unique but also great.

Next, we will tell you about “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. Ai watched the movie. The movie was directed by Tim Burton in 2005. His roll is a plant manager in chocolate factory, Willy Wonka. He always wears a tailcoat, silk hat, cane and gloves. Also, he always looks pale, so in the movie, Jonny Depp has strange special make up. It is interesting roll. Cakes that were made in his factory are popular in the world, but his factory isn’t open to public. One day, he made only five special chocolates that have gold tickets. The five children who get the tickets can observe the factory with family. Also, one in five can get surprising present! There are various children, for example, buy up all chocolates and hunt for the ticket. However, in contrast, there are children who don’t have enough money, so give up to get the ticket.

In the movie, there are various special set and strange characters. For example, there are river filled with chocolate in the factory, some monuments and lawn. Most of these are real that was made by patissier. Also, there are workers called the Oompa Loompa. They are very small. We guess it is used special photography method. Johnny Depp is interesting role in this movie and this movie is interesting, too. However, we can feel not only fun but also family love or gentleness.

Like these, he and his works were loved by a lot of people all over the world. Thanks for he, we can watch like these great and fun movies. These movies were only 2 of his works. He appears more great movies, so we want to watch his movie.



Mind map: Johnny Depp


BR 2-09: The Snow Queen

The two shaep splintters of mirror had blinded hin to denger - for the driver was none other than the Snow Queen herself. (p.14)

Have you ever seen the snow? I think most of people have seen it. But, have you ever seen a Snow queen? I have never seen her. I think Snow queen is here in this world. Because most of thngs have a top all of them. For example, bees have a queen bee, and lion have a king lion. Snow queen is same with these, I think. In this book, she is so cold people and makes everyone sad people, but she is easy to become lonly.

In Kumamoto, we also be able to see the snow in winter. I have ever been to Hokkaido. there are a lot of snow, and this maked me surprise. When I was a 5 grader in elementary school I went to there. And there, I got some friends. I want to go there again, and I want to see them!!

[171 words]

Free-Writing: essay prep

My favorite movie actor is Johnny Depp. Do you know him? He is a most great movie actor in the world I think. He appears many movies in the world. For example there are Pirate of the Caribean series, Alice in wonder land, Salt, Chary and Chocolate factory, and so on. I have seen the Pirate series at theater. I like him and him role playing. Next time, I will write essay about him and his works.
[77 words]


Essay prep

My partner is Ai. We will learn about Johnny Depp. We will watch another movies each other. And Ai will watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in 2005. I will watch about Pirates of the Caribbean - World End-. I had watched this movie, and I like this movie. I have never watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I want to meet with Johnny in the world of movies.

[69 words]


BR 2-08: The Emperor and the Nightingale

And when they sang, everyone in the palace smiled to hear them - the emperor most of all (p.47)

I read this book the first time. This book's main charactor is Emperor in China and Nightingale. Nightingale is a bird that sing with beautiful voice. The emperor is a king of Ghina. And this emperor is so easy to become lonly, so his pleasure is to hear the nightingale's song. This is this book's story.

I have never met with Nightingale, and I have never eared the sing a song. Nightingale is little bigger than bush in Japan. I am not interested in birds, but I know some kinds of birds. But still I read this book, I didn't know the name of Nightingale. When I saw title of this book the first time, I thought this is the book about people who is Nightingale. Nightingle is famous people in the world. So I thought this book is a life story about her. But it is not, so I was surprised. At next time, I want to read the life story about real Nightingale.

Rosie Dickins: The Emperor and the Nightingale (2007)
London : Usborne

BR 2-07: The Swan Princess

There wes a shimmering in the air and then, instead of the swans, there were eleven young man standing besides Eliza. (p.60)

Do you knoew this story? This is one of the world. This story's main charactor is swan. Swan is a one kinds of birds. They always be on the water, and swim.In this story, eleven peincess bacame swans, and one princess helps them to meke them people again.

I always look swans at the zoo. But I am not interested in swan so. Birds are already birds, and swan is a only birds in many kinds of birds. But I think swan is the most beautiful bird in many kinds of birds. The flag is just white, and they have a good body shape. If I become a bird, I want to be a swan. I think swan is so noble bird from seeing of this book's story. And not only I but also everyone seems to think so. Everyone want to be a swan if we can be a bird.

Hans Christian Andersen The swan princess(2005)
London : Usborne


BR 2-04: Little Red Riding Hood

Quick as a flash, Little Red Riding Hoood run outside and picked up lots of stones. (p.43)

This story was being well known by people all over the world. In this story, there are 4 people. First is Little red Riding Hood, and this is little girl. She will try to give something for her grand mother, so she soes to her grand mother's house.  Next is wolf. Wolf try to eat Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. But he is fool, so always fail. Next is Little Red Riding Hood's grand mother. She lives alone in the forest. She is waiting the coming her grandchild. And middle of this story, she was ated by wolf. And last is hunter. he helped Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma. They are charactor in this story.

When I was a young, I liked this story very much. And when I was a kinder garden student, I roled the girl. Thank for this role playing, I still remember this story.

Susanna Davidson: Little Red Riding Hood (2006)
London : Usborne