
My favorite picture (Typing Homework 12)

My favorite picture is something beautiful and monochrome landscape. The past day, I liked to watch some picture, but I wasn’t interested in these minutely. But recently, I got a friend who likes to take a picture. He is a student of Kumamoto University, and the picture that he took makes me surprise. These are so beautiful, and so artistic. I have never seen the picture like these at real. However I have seen the some beautiful picture in TV, Internet, and Magazines, his photo absorb my heart. There is a little bit vain, but it catches everyone’s heart, and doesn’t detach. When I sew his picture the first time, I was charmed by his photos. I knew he likes to take a picture and he always take a good picture, but I didn’t think he took great picture like these. After I saw his picture, I always see his picture on facebook in the internet. I like to watch his picture.

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