
YB 19: Reading

My partner was a Junpei. He doesn't read news papers every day, because he is living alone, and he seems doesn't need to read news paper. His best section is sports. He likes foot ball the best. By him, soccer and foot ball is almost same and similer, but in America, it is called soccer, and in Ingrand, it is called food ball.
 he is interested in a world cup, now. His favorite coccer player is Pipo, and Ronald. His most important news story in Japan is earthquake in Tohoku. His favorite magazines are smart, and zipper. And he likes comic books. His favorite comic books are ONE PIECE and prince of tennis, and Iryu. In these, he likes Iryu the best. This story is medical treatment story. It was broadcasted witha picture on an actual event. It was three cool and he has a all of this comic books. When he started to read this book, he wanted to be a doctor. This comic books seems give everyone dream.
[170 words]

YB 18: Cars and other transportations

My partner was Yusei. He doesn't have a car licnse,but he graduated driving school in this summer vacation. So hie will gets a ar lisence at winter vacation. He likes buses more than trains, because buses are cheeper than trains. And we can go any places. he has never felt sick on a car and plane. He thinks buses cheeper than trains, so he liks buses, but I think trains is the best, because I can go anywhere so fast.
 He is strong for transportation. he has taken a plane two times. When he was a high school student, he went to Fukushima, Osaka, and Nara. When he was a junior high school student, he went to Tokyo as a school trip. He wants to drive a tgrain someday. He often come to school by moter bike.

YB 17: Romance Dating marrige

My partner was  Hazuki. She wants to marry at age of 25, because she wants to want to work by she gets to marry. She will put on end to work. After she got a marry. And she wants 3 children. The first is a boy, and secound is boy, too, and the last is a girl. She is a only child, so she wants to get some babies. She wants a girl baby at any cost.
 And she doesn't have a boy friend now. But she was a high school student, she had a boy friend. She has associated with three boy friends before. Her last boy friend was last summer. She associated him, but she didn't like him so. This christmas, she will gather with her friends who same grader in her high school. And there, they will hold the Takoyaki party and nabe party. There are only girls, and they will enjoy very much. If they don't have a boy friend, thay can enjoy only girls. She doesn't have a boy friend now, but she can enjoy her life, but she wants a boy friend someday.


YB 16: cell phones and Conputers

My partner was Mari. She has a cell phone. She is using a iPhone4s. And I am using iPhone5. And she was using a docomo's cell phone before. It has a camera function, but iphone's camera function is not bood for her. She often call someone four times a day. She doesn't like exchanging a e-mail, but calling is comfortable for her. She has a computer in her house. In her house, she use a computer well. She likes using a computer, because internet knows everythings, so she use some web sites to write some class's essay. If she wants to know somethings, she always uses internet. She is using this computer for one year. In the last year, she bought this computer, but she wants a new one. if she bought a new computer, she will buy a computer made in Japan, and maker is SONNY.


YB 15: Money

My partner was Shiori. She has much money. She teaches study on the side, so she doesn't get money from her parents. She has a bank account and it is higo bank. She wants to get a post office account, too. She sometimes with draw her savings, so she use these money at school dining room, or school bakery. She use some money at school. She has a credit card in her wallet. I didn't have it then. She often use it about once a week. When she go shopping, she often use money almost ten thousand yen. She doesn't want to use much money. In the New Year, she got some money from her parents or grand parents. But this year, she is a university student, so she won't able to get some money. She wants more money. I want to get much money, toooo!

[146 words]

The difference between American children and Japanese children - complete

1.     Introduction 
In this summer, I went to Minnesota in America as the overseas training. Before I go to there, I was so nervous and afraid to go to country where I have never been. But before I go to there, I found which house I can go. And in that family, there are 3 children. I like children, so I thought this host family seems good for me. In Minnesota, I could play with my host brother and their friends who live in neighbor, and I could interchange with many children at several places just like in the house, at school, at kinder garden, and so on. At them, I could spend a good time. But I thought for several things. There are something difference in between American children and Japanese children. They have a different culture, so we can understand there are different, so this time, I will show you the difference between American children and Japanese children through my experience
2.     Fundamental difference
If we say children at a word, it means several generation just like little child, junior high school student, and high school student. And in the dictionary, children means little, and small people. But in this report, I will use a word of children means 5~7 years old. It is because my host brother is 5, 6, 7, years old. And I will match a condition with American children and Japanese children.
          The first, I will write about typical American children and property. There were many differences, just like difference of gastronomic culture, educational system, and environment. But most I want to say is American children always want to do anything. In other words, the volition to things is prosperous in them. And compere with them, Japanese children is passive in several situation. And I will introduce an example. One day, many American children and Japanese children were gathered. And them, they had to fold a paper, and make a paper air plane, and make fry it. The first time, teacher taught how to make it. And they start to make it, and finish. Although it is the same so far, it is from the next that it is different. Compere with Japanese children who is playing complete basic paper plane, American children come and gather around teacher, and say like this. “Please tell me another how to make paper plane. Or, can I fold paper plane freely?” This saying was only American children. Just like this, American children have a strong volition to things. And this difference will come from difference of their everyday life. And I will compare with American children’s everyday life and Japanese children’s everyday life. In this time, I will compare with help of children and playing of children between American children and Japanese children
3.     As help of children
   Most of these age’s children start to help their parents, or for their home. Usually, American children start to help when everyone is 3 years old. It is same with Japanese student. In this age, their parents make them to put away their toys. At the same time, this age begun to have self. So every child doesn’t abhor doing their works. My host brothers have everyday help and special Friday help. And special Friday help is change for a week in them. In my host family’s house, there is a wall what can write their week help, so there were always written their help. These are their everyday help.

Case of my host family
You have to put away in dish washer after you ate
You have to give Groggy(dog) food
You have to clean your room

These are their everyday help. After they finished these help, they can get some drops from their mother, and can do something what they want to do. These are only my house’s help, but in another house, there are more another helps. These are example.

Case of another family
You have gather garbage around house, and throw away it in dust box
You have to take a pet a walk
You have to take postal matter from post
You have to clean bath room
You have to fold your clothes yourself
You have to help to make meals.

These are many kinds of help at house. And this is a case of American children. Next, I will write down Japanese children’s kinds of help. It is help what most of Japanese parents make it to them child.

Case of Japanese children
You have to check the post
You have to wash your clothes, fold it, and put away
You have to run on errands

These helps are most of Japanese children experience. There are no differences so. But after they did helps, there is difference. It is most of American children seem could get some money after they finish the help. Compare with Japan in America, there are no system of spending money. American children often get money by working. This America’s system what get money by working cultivate them will for working, and make them positive. Against it Japanese children have a system of spending money, so volition is diminished.
4.     As play of children
In this situation, there are many differences between American children and Japanese children. In playing, there are many kinds of situation, like outdoor playing, inside playing, game playing, and so on. In my host family’s house, there are many games soft, LEGOs, board game in my house. But my host brothers spent most of time at outside. Usually in Japan, many children play outside, too. In this time, I will write about outside playing. If there is no building what to play they play Japanese traditional game like hide-and-seek, tag. Or go to park. In Japan’s park, there are many playgrounds equipment. But these are something what we know how to play. In America’s park, there is some playgrounds equipment, too. But these are not like playgrounds equipment, and these seems like monument what is created by artist. So, American children have to find their own way. Like this, American child bring up imagination, and become eager to find new how to play. This will is important, and it will be useful in the near future.
5.     Conclusion  
Like this, there are many differences between American children and Japanese children. But finally, American children’s everyday life will connect to their will. At the first in this report, I wrote American children are positive, and Japanese children are not positive. But this tendency is cultivated by everyday life of the early childhood. We are not same so it is natural to be different there. But you may adopt the everyday life like American children. Through this investigation, I realized the difference of an American child and the Japanese child so deeply and was able to know it.


The difference between American children and Japanese children - draft

1.     Introduction 
In this summer, I went to Minnesota in America as the overseas training. Before I go to there, I was so nervous and afraid to go to country where I have never been. But before I go to there, I found which house I can go. And in that family, there are 3 children. I like children, so I thought this host family seems good for me. In Minnesota, I could play with my host brother and their friends who live in neighbor, and I could interchange with many children at several places just like in the house, at school, at kinder garden, and so on. At them, I could spend a good time. But I thought for several things. There are something difference in between American children and Japanese children. They have a different culture, so we can understand there are different, so this time, I will show you the difference between American children and Japanese children through my experience
2.     Fundamental difference
If we say children at a word, it means several generation just like little child, junior high school student, and high school student. And in the dictionary, children means little, and small people. But in this report, I will use a word of children means 5~7 years old. It is because my host brother is 5, 6, 7, years old. And I will match a condition with American children and Japanese children.
          The first, I will write about typical American children and property. There were many differences, just like difference of gastronomic culture, educational system, and environment. But most I want to say is American children always want to do anything. In other words, the volition to things is prosperous in them. And compere with them, Japanese children is passive in several situation. And I will introduce an example. One day, many American children and Japanese children were gathered. And them, they had to fold a paper, and make a paper air plane, and make fry it. The first time, teacher taught how to make it. And they start to make it, and finish. Although it is the same so far, it is from the next that it is different. Compere with Japanese children who is playing complete basic paper plane, American children come and gather around teacher, and say like this. “Please tell me another how to make paper plane. Or, can I fold paper plane freely?” This saying was only American children. Just like this, American children have a strong volition to things. And this difference will come from difference of their everyday life. And I will compare with American children’s everyday life and Japanese children’s everyday life. In this time, I will compare with help of children and playing of children between American children and Japanese children
3.     As help of children
   Most of these age’s children start to help their parents, or for their home. Usually, American children start to help when everyone is 3 years old. It is same with Japanese student. In this age, their parents make them to put away their toys. At the same time, this age begun to have self. So every child doesn’t abhor doing their works. My host brothers have everyday help and special Friday help. And special Friday help is change for a week in them. In my host family’s house, there is a wall what can write their week help, so there were always written their help. These are their everyday help.

Case of my host family
You have to put away in dish washer after you ate
You have to give Groggy(dog) food
You have to clean your room

These are their everyday help. After they finished these help, they can get some drops from their mother, and can do something what they want to do. These are only my house’s help, but in another house, there are more another helps. These are example.

Case of another family
You have gather garbage around house, and throw away it in dust box
You have to take a pet a walk
You have to take postal matter from post
You have to clean bath room
You have to fold your clothes yourself
You have to help to make meals.

These are many kinds of help at house. And this is a case of American children. Next, I will write down Japanese children’s kinds of help. It is help what most of Japanese parents make it to them child.

Case of Japanese children
You have to check the post
You have to wash your clothes, fold it, and put away
You have to run on errands

These helps are most of Japanese children experience. There are no differences so. But after they did helps, there is difference. It is most of American children seem could get some money after they finish the help. Compare with Japan in America, there are no system of spending money. American children often get money by working. This America’s system what get money by working cultivate them will for working, and make them positive. Against it Japanese children have a system of spending money, so volition is diminished.
4.     As play of children
In this situation, there are many differences between American children and Japanese children. In playing, there are many kinds of situation, like outdoor playing, inside playing, game playing, and so on. In my host family’s house, there are many games soft, LEGOs, board game in my house. But my host brothers spent most of time at outside. Usually in Japan, many children play outside, too. In this time, I will write about outside playing. If there is no building what to play they play Japanese traditional game like hide-and-seek, tag. Or go to park. In Japan’s park, there are many playgrounds equipment. But these are something what we know how to play. In America’s park, there is some playgrounds equipment, too. But these are not like playgrounds equipment, and these seems like monument what is created by artist. So, American children have to find their own way. Like this, American child bring up imagination, and become eager to find new how to play. This will is important, and it will be useful in the near future.
5.     Conclusion  
Like this, there are many differences between American children and Japanese children. But finally, American children’s everyday life will connect to their will. At the first in this report, I wrote American children are positive, and Japanese children are not positive. But this tendency is cultivated by everyday life of the early childhood. We are not same so it is natural to be different there. But you may adopt the everyday life like American children. Through this investigation, I realized the difference of an American child and the Japanese child so deeply and was able to know it.

[1164 words]