
YB 19: Reading

My partner was a Junpei. He doesn't read news papers every day, because he is living alone, and he seems doesn't need to read news paper. His best section is sports. He likes foot ball the best. By him, soccer and foot ball is almost same and similer, but in America, it is called soccer, and in Ingrand, it is called food ball.
 he is interested in a world cup, now. His favorite coccer player is Pipo, and Ronald. His most important news story in Japan is earthquake in Tohoku. His favorite magazines are smart, and zipper. And he likes comic books. His favorite comic books are ONE PIECE and prince of tennis, and Iryu. In these, he likes Iryu the best. This story is medical treatment story. It was broadcasted witha picture on an actual event. It was three cool and he has a all of this comic books. When he started to read this book, he wanted to be a doctor. This comic books seems give everyone dream.
[170 words]

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