
BR 2-15: Good well, Good Knight

They slurped their soup, slurp slurp. (p.44)

The good knight's three little dragon friends are sick in bed. Their scaly foreheads are hot and their noses are drip-drip-dripping. They feel awful. So the good knight brings them some slimy, grimy soup from the wizard to make them feel better. But the dragons won't touch it. What is a good knoght?

Main charactors in this story is a knight, and small dragones. In other, there are a witch, and a knoght's granma. The first time whan I watch this book's cover, I couldn't imagine what story is this. If I say about this story, a knight helpes 3dragons. And he visit around house to help them. In the end, he could help them. n this book, three dragones became cick, and knoght tried to make them eat a soup. It looks not good and delicious.

Thomas Shelley Moore (2004) : Good well, Good Knight New York : Puffin Books

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