
BR 2-13: The Giant Jelly Bean Jar

Then Ben remembered the answer to the riddle. (p.28)

Ben loves Jelly Beans. Every week he goes to Jo-Jo's Jelly Beans shop hoping to guess the riddle that will win him a whole jar full of them! Ben always knows the answer to the riddle, but he has never won the prize. It's hard to speak out loud in front of so many people. How will Ben ever win the jar of delicious jelly beans?

When I watch the book's cover of this book the first time, I thought this is the story only jellys. The before, I didn't like Jelly Beans because these are not good crunchness. But now, I eat it sometimes as a food of diet. Jelly beans are not only good taste but also good for going on a diet. In recently, there are many kinds of jelly beans. these are like apple taste, grape taste, peach taste, and so on. I think most of people know tere is a orange taste. I like these. In the shop name of Village Vangard, I had seeen the special jelly eans. these are like taste of fart, taste of diaper, taste of rotten mandarin orange. I bought this before, but I ate only one. Most of these gave friends all. I don't want to guy this again.

Marcie Aboff :The Giant Jelly Bean Jar(2004)
New York : Puffin Books
[227 words]

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