
BR 1-13:Story of Fairies

But the next moment, there was a loud bang followed by a horrible smell (p. 32)

 This story is written about fairies. It is saying that there are no fairies. In this book, there are many it and there is a world of fairies. It is written by three chapters, so there are king of fairy, queen of fairy, and many child fairies. And this book's irust is so cute. There are many colors and this book make me moved.
 In fact, I can't meet to them, But some people seems to meet to fairies like small moan. It is a famouse story, but I can't meet them. According to everyone's saying, the small man is wearing green jersey and brown coat in it. It looks little bit poor looks, and I real wanted to meet them, and I want to speak to him. But I waunder if he can speak with ther people.If he is a fairy in true, he will not be able to speak to some other people. He is old, so maybe he is tired and maybe it is difficult for him to speak so long time. If it fairy is young and nice guy, I will catch him and take to my house. But my house is durty and narrow, so I am shameful to make see my room. But this contents don't have relationship.
 If it is called a fairy, I remember the Thinker bell who is apearance to the Peter Pan. I think she is a typical fairy. I thnk she is just fairy. In me, Fairy is so meek. But she is not meek. and everyone don't think she is so hunger. At last, she would make a power with them who in there. But I don't know the feeling about them. If I was a fairy, how move will I take? I thnk it is so important.

I will recomends this book to you. If you want to have a clean heart, You should read it!!

Anna Lester Story of Fairies(2006)
London : Usborne


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